Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No, we don't wear feather boas!

So last week I saw Mamma Mia! & I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the movie! We could go into a deep theological discussion about why I probably shouldn't have liked it, but you will have to indulge this little guilty pleasure.....

I love the music! It is very upbeat & just fun. Stuart informed me that I am listening to "deep disco" but I couldn't really hear him over singing "Dancing Queen" :)

My Mom-in-Love, Ann let us borrow, but has since gifted us with the soundtrack (thanks, Ann!) I am embarrassed to admit that the boys actually request the Mamma Mia! music in the van! There is just something about the tambourine & trumpets...I don't really know. They don't really understand the meaning of the songs - they just like the beat!

Is there a Christian band out there who sings like ABBA?!?

Tonight we were at Northpark Mall & people were walking around with those cheapy feather boas & I told Stuart, I bet it has something to do with Mamma Mia! & sure enough a guy (old hippie, not gay) came over to where we were eating to invite us to a free showing of the movie & sing along in the AMC theatre! If the boys had not been with us I would have totally dragged Stuart to the show! Too funny :)

While we were sitting in the food court we played a game of who might be going to the sing along....lots of colorful characters!

Peace out, Friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mamma Mia was awesome...You and I should go see it at Bass Hall in Septemeber!