Monday, October 27, 2008

Pure Logic - a child's perspective

Red light. Gotta stop.

Hey, Mom, there's a homeless guy!

I know, I don't have any cash. I roll down my window & pass the man some coins from my spare change tray.

Hey, man, you doing all right tonight?

Yes, Ma'am. Thank you ma'am.

Oh, wait! Here's a thing from McDonald's - it's for a free burger. Sorry I don't have any bills.

I'm grateful for anything, ma'am. Thank you very much.

[commotion in the back seat & a "wait, Mom"]

Here's my $5, he needs it more than I do.

Green light. Gotta Go. Two hearts blessed by the generous spirit of one 10 yr. old boy.

He didn't rationalize what the man might do with the money, he didn't look the other way or pretend to fool with the radio, he just gave from the bottom of his heart.


Heather D'Amico said...

Wow. I love it. That is the purest of hearts, just as God desires in all of us. Thanks for the reminder, friend!!

Amy said...

Um give a girl some makeup is halfway down my face now!!!

That is just lovely. Thanks for sharing!

Amy said...

This is Amy Weir, btw... :)

Amanda said...

That is so precious. What a sweet boy!

Ann Cowen said...

Yes, it takes a generous child to show us adults how to behave, not judging just giving!

God Bless you Ian!

Proud Grandma Ann