Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mom, can we find a hill?

We headed south on 360 towards Joe Pool Lake Wednesday afternoon in search of a big hill. I had an idea of where to find one, but inspiration hit at the last moment & we came to a golf course with lots of great hills. It was perfect for sledding b/c the grass is so short on a golf course that the 1/2 inch of snow was just great for speed! We have a super-duper roll-up plastic sled-type thing that is so slick - you go really fast! We had the whole place to ourselves! I kept looking for "no trespassing" signs but never saw one....what luck! The boys had a blast - we were out there for 2 hours - fun! :)

1 comment:

Sandi said...

How much fun!!!!! Must be a big sled if all 3 biys fit on!