Sunday, January 14, 2007

In the corners of Stu's mind

So there we are sitting at PF Chang's (thanks for grandkid watching, Mom & Dad) when a rabbit trail ends in a deep recess of my dear husband's mind. He is reminded of a neighborhood pal from his childhood days in England named Yvonne who had a pair of stilts - yes, that's correct - stilts. Well, this mild-mannered boy was so impressed by this that his very clever & engineer-minded Dad whipped up a pair of stilts that would have rivaled any circus performer's! If Stu's Mom finds a picture I will definitely post it, but for now our imaginations will have to run wild!
He's been reaching new heights ever since... :) Love you, babe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still looking through my archives, I had a good day yesterday looking through many many photos, it brought back many wonderful memories.

I'll get back with you.

Stu's Mom