Monday, March 26, 2007

A 7 year old's viewpoint on twin babies we haven't talked about the reality of where a baby actually comes from - just that they grow in Mommy's tummy & she has to go the hospital for the doctor to get them the gory details for later....

Anyway, we were talking about a bday party that Myles was going to for a set of twins that are in his Mom's Day Out class. We talked about why they had the same bday & were the same age, etc.

Trevor was deep in thought & put in his 2 cents: "I know what the Mommy did. She gave one half of the best to one baby and the other half of the best to the other baby." How cute is that? :)


Gayle said...

too cute!! Kids say the funniest things sometimes!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like early DNA analysis. Maybe he watches too much CSI. ha ha ha

Sandi said...

So sweet trevor!!!! Lisa, buy that kid an ice cream cone or something!!!

See ya later,