Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Future & A Hope

We are soooo blessed with a wonderful husband & Daddy who loves us & provides for us :) This past week Stuart was extended an opportunity to work with a group of guys in a company called Application IT. This new partnership will meld Stu's passion for technology & his desire to see churches equipped effectively in the IT realm. AppIT is a new company that offers phenomenal computer/server support to all businesses, but also churches & schools. I am not technically inclined to be able to explain the nitty-gritty so you could check out their web page at applicationit.com or just ask Stuart the next time you see him - he is really pumped about this new venture!

Thank you to a special friend for praying for us last week.

God is Good. He does have a future & a hope for us (& you too!). This year will be a challenge for us financially & physically (lots of work in a new business), but we truly, truly feel God's hand is over us as we take a new path. This new direction has been confirmed many ways - even as we look back over the past months when this was not even a glimmer in the distance. Isn't that how it is though when you really start to seek God & give Him control?

Thanks to our family & friends who love & support us! Be sure to give Stu a "high five" when you see him :) He's the greatest!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

I am really excited for you guys! This sounds like an awesome opportunity. It is encouraging to see your faith in action.